pug coughing remedy

The fourth one is still with me and she will be 15 in July. Pugs are prone to upper respiratory tract diseases like this, so prevention and treatment are important. Slowly over time we noticed her coughing more frequently throughout the day. At first it was only happening after she ate, so the vet suggested she may be eating too fast, or not chewing well enough. Our pug is almost 13. As pugs get older, the coughing can increase without intervention. Weight loss. He had a chest xray recently which found nothing uncommon. He coughed constantly even when he was sleeping. I try to explain to everyone who sees her that while she coughs a lot when they see her, she doesn’t always cough that way, and that we are treating her condition. Will have to see if we can get our vet to let us try some other options. We had a pug named Frank as well :). I am sending you love and light as it’s so hard to watch your fur baby decline in this way. This is a communicable infection. After drinking water. I was wondering if he had heart trouble and was just thinking of taking him to the vet when I googled the problem and got your story. I will prepare that it is for the rest of her life. But I think that just released pressure and the cool air made him perkier. We will have had our two pugs for 6 years as of next month, and we were told they are 8 and 9 then, so I guess they are 14 and 15 now (or will by next month). My dog’s progression with this was quite slow but I have heard of others saying it can be very sudden onset. That didn’t help her stop gagging. I just hate it when Frosty coughs because I don’t know why he’s doing it. I petted her neck, throat , head, + her back still coughing, my husband took her to the emergency vet. Coughing. 14-year-old pug coughing and hacking. By the time he was 13 the coughing (sometimes choking) was to the point his quality of life was poor. Get free ebook here: https://www.veterinarysecrets.com/news/Learn natural ways to deal with kennel cough.Share this video and subscribe (it's free!) Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. The characteristics of a dog's cough help us to determine its cause. They are what is known as brachiocephalic. For example, she would cough after playing or getting excited/panting. Regardless; great to read your post. She doesn’t cough constantly though, thankfully. This is a fancy word for has a pushed in nose that makes breathing more difficult. Man is that a scary thing! There are a few different reasons why your pug could be vomiting after drinking water, including: 15 minutes after he takes it he’s good. This info really helps. If your vet diagnoses a cough related to a heart condition, he will prescribe medication to improve the pug's heart function. It’s strange, because last night I loosened his harness (which goes around the front legs so can put pressure on his chest) and took him on a walk today and I haven’t heard him gag even one time! Natural remedies for coughing in dogs include herbs, essential oils, honey, and supplements (vitamins C and E, N-acetylcysteine, essential fatty acids, probiotics). In affected pugs the cartilage is weaker than usual, and over time normal breathing flattens the rings, causing narrowing or collapse. Our vet said it can happen from the age of 6 usually so I guess Benji is lucky he made it to 12 before it became a problem. Coughing up mucous phlegm or fluids – this is known as a productive cough. Follow Emily on Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram. The fungal infection could be on the skin, inside the ears, or inside the body of your puppy, affecting the respiratory system and causing coughing/gagging. It doesn’t seem to come from doing anything and it’s not frequent enough that we’d ever be able to reproduce it for the vet but I would hope it’s not anything like what Beans is experiencing. The vet believes he has respiratory issues due to collapsed trachea and an enlarged heart. Because kennel cough is so infectious, it is important to seek your vet's diagnosis as soon as possible, particularly if you have other dogs, or if your pug regularly socializes with neighbors' dogs. It seems like there’s some correlation with her having a bad coughing day the day of, or the day before, we get a storm. I know sometimes when it’s sudden it’s the result of a trachea injury but I have no idea if it happens suddenly without an injury as well, or not. He’s also slowed down and lost a lot of stamina, especially in warmer weather–in the past view months–much shorter walks than even a few months ago–and the gagging and wheezing at the same time has been going on for about a month at the most. His legs started to be weak, then over the course of time we was unable to use his back legs at all. The vet believes he has respiratory issues due to collapsed trachea and an enlarged heart. The best remedy would be prescription medicines to cure the condition. It’s been seven years. Sometimes it’s worse than other times. Is your dog coughing as if it is clearing his throat, in order to get rid of frustrating hair that might be irritating him? That’s so sad that he was even coughing while sleeping, it’s hard to imagine that. Glad your vet figured out what was going on with your pug Beans. He said he could tell that there was a ‘rattle’ in her throat which lead him to believe she had a collapsing trachea. View all of our. She had been on the same food for years, but we decided to try one that is specifically for small dogs and comes in really small kibble pieces. Maybe a Pug trait?? Hi, I'm new to this forum. Thank you for the info, I’m sorry your pugs have this but am grateful to know Yours are doing better and it is not fatal. Hi, Emily! A pug can start coughing for a number of reasons, ranging from kennel cough to a congenital condition that produces a distinctive cough. Both have helped. Laura K. 1 decade ago. The work was done and over in 3 days and he's been coughing ever sense. Our pug is 14 yrs old and developed his cough/gag episodes about a year ago. Your pugs are old and look so sweet like mine. My Beans has a collapsed trachea and she’s on a diuretic because she gets fluid in her chest, though we’ve done scans and her heart is not enlarged, and multiple versions of blood work we’ve had done all came back normal as well so the vet is kinda confused as to what specifically causes the fluid in her chest, and she said she can also see inflammation around her lungs. We bought a slow feed bowl to help her eat slower, and that did help a little bit but she still gagged some. Should you call your veterinarian? He would do it when he wakes up, or after getting excited, or after a good belly rub. . He was on a cough suppressant and it helped a bit, but he’s back to doing it. Once we were able to answer (regretfully) no to all of those questions, we knew it was time. In addition to his cough, his back legs aren’t very strong and so my wife and I wheel him to the park daily to play. She been coughing/ gagging every half hr. Exercise intolerance or reluctance to go for a walk. Foxy will be 16 early Aug. so she has done great and just hope she can continue but this does take a lot out of her. That’s interesting that your vet prescribed hydrocondone, we never were offered that for our pug Beans who has the collapsing trachea issue even though the options we did try never worked out so we’re basically just stuck letting her cough right now. My pug Forrest has had a coughing and gagging for years now. If your Pug spends a lot of time outdoors with you, then use a natural insect repellent for dogs during the bug season to keep your pet say bite free. Hi. The sound of him not coughing was deafening. I have a 9 yr old pug. Is he choking? Operations for Trach Problems in Yorkies→. I have seen others say their dogs were given steroids, too and we were never offered that either. It was heartbreaking. I wouldn’t trade my years with the pugs for anything else!! I have two pugs 15 and 11. Sorry to hear about your Otis :(. Thank you, she’s pretty old but she’s still kickin’ and is still happy so we’re grateful. We mentioned it to the vet again at a later date and because she gets anxious/excited while at the vet they were able to observe some of the coughing. This seemed to ease the cough but never went away. The first two vets think his trachea is beginning to collapse. He’s a Min Pin/Manchester Terrier mix. He explained that trachea collapse is common in a lot of smaller dog breeds including pugs. We have 3 toy poodles, our male 13 year old was diagnosed with collapsed trachea about a year ago. Manuka honey, which is usually imported from New Zealand, is the most preferred type of honey. If your vet can't manage the condition with medication, he might recommend surgery. Some also have a clear nasal discharge. I wish I could get my husband to listen to me that a harness is better for little dogs but alas he still insists our little Brutus wear a dog collar. Collapsed Trachea. Aug 30, 2019 - Almost two years ago I noticed that my senior pug Beans was gagging after she would eat. We have never given benedryl for the cough but my other pug is allergic to flea bites so in the past when we have had flea issues we were told we could give him 25mg benedryl and it definitely helped with his itchiness. He’s on gabapentin for the nerve pain that comes with that. So, put water on to boil and add a few leaves of these plants. Anyway, I can understand how heavy all of that can be, but I also completely understand how it is well worth it when they’re such a special part of your life. It was heartbreaking, and i know all too well how difficult that decision is. I have two pugs and what you listed sounds like a combination of the issues the two of mine have. Other symptoms associated with a cough include, a nose (nasal) or eye (ocular) discharge, snuffles, gagging, retching and occasionally vomiting. I’m hoping to share some of my experiences in raising 4 pugs. So, with it being somethin that only became problematic around age 14 and because she isn’t unhappy living this way, I feel like ti’s very manageable. This January, our pug Bailey started the dry cough too. It’s really hard to know what to do in a situation like this. It's upsetting to see your pug in distress. A dry cough is often associated with a well-known canine disease known as ‘kennel cough’. Clinically, a productive cough sounds moist and low-pitched, and the animal often swallows immediately afterwards. Their previous owner did give us collars for them so I assume she had used the collars on them. We’ve had to up the dose only once so far in the past year. Typical signs are a high-pitched, honking cough if your pug's vocal chords are swollen, or a dry, hacking cough. My vet also has pugs. This is most noticeable after exercise.The coughing increases if the condition is not diagnosed. I will never forget bring him home from the vet and holding him in a blanket while my husband was digging his grave in our backyard. He seems to respond well to a soothing voice and gentle back stroking which helps him relax and stop coughing. Digestion hasn’t been her friend but she hasn’t been challenges with the cough and gag before like this. I created Emily Reviews as a creative outlet to share my life and the products that I love with others. While I wish that Beans didn’t have this issue, it is something we have lived with pretty easily. i have a pug that recently coughs like she has croup. I know that some people think we’re cuckoo for diapering a dog, carrying him around, bringing a water dish to him, etc but with the meds, he doesn’t seem to be in pain and he still seems happy so even though we realize he’s on “borrowed time” at this point, we just don’t see a need to make the decision until he seems to be suffering and we aren’t there yet. Hope your dog is well Also, we were told that anything that can irritate allergies or asthma can irritate trachea collapse, such as pollen, other allergens, dust, chemicals, etc. We’re in Norcal and usually have dry hot summers, but this week has been unusually humid. You can benefit by drinking peppermint tea or … planning to take him to the vet today and hoping he will have a great holiday time with us this season. Wondering if that triggered the heightened effect. You need to take him to a vet, who will examine his windpipe using various diagnostic tools such as a fluoroscope, X-ray and endoscope. I appreciate everyone’s stories. I would advise going in to have his heart checked out, if you haven’t had it checked since his coughing started, because coughing can be heart related issues, as well. anuj. At its most basic, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an obstructed airway, with coughing, wheezing and gurgling sounds as typical symptoms. Will keep you posted. If your dog is overweight....put her on a diet, but restrict exercise. She still coughs especially if she gets excited or pants. Use of a collar will cause more damage to the trachea . The vet says it is not a fatal condition, it is just something to manage so that is what we do. Environmental factors such as smoke, dust and chemical irritants are external causes of the disease. Thanks for your informative post. Useful herbs that can be used to effectively soothe and manage coughing in dogs include: Mullein: Mullein is good for dry coughs such as kennel cough or chronic recurring coughs. Hi Emily, glad you made this post. She’s 16 now. I don’t have children yet so I’m able to focus on my dogs more than some, i suppose. If your pug starts coughing, listen to him, then take him to the vet. Chronic coughing is prolonged and may never go away completely. A dog … She has had these white mucus attacks from her nose that cause her to collapse as she cannot breathe. When it is accompanied by gagging, this can also help us know what is wrong. In addition to his cough, his back legs aren’t very strong and so my wife and I wheel him to the park daily to play. Enjoy every day with your Beans! In our Benji’s case it feels worse because he also has cataracts and needs a lot of reassurance that he’s not being left on his own. As its name suggests, boarding kennels, grooming salons, and places where dogs hang out in groups are often sources of the infection. They took some blood work, and listened to her heart to rule out a few other possibilities. He said sometimes surgery is suggested, but at her advanced age (13 at the time) he wouldn’t recommend putting her through it. However, for now we add water to her kibble and let it set for about 5 minutes before serving it to her, to soften the food and that keeps her from coughing or choking at all. Treatment usually consists of cough suppressants or expectorants, but if the condition persists, the vet usually prescribes antibiotics. Before getting any vaccinations for your Pug, ask your veterinarian if there can be any adverse reactions for your pooch. Dog gagging is usually paired with a cough (which may come before or after the cough). Your email address will not be published. I give them Benadryl when I am out of the rimadyl. But just like us, when a dogs coughing becomes a constant or recurrent problem it can be a sign of serious illness. I think it is somewhat normal for a pug to do that once in a while, but it can also meet there is an infection. Other symptoms are fever, nose and eye discharge and breathing problems. When she’s just hanging out, she doesn’t cough most days. Most of these are treatable. Vaccine reactions can cause dermatitis and itching in both cats and dogs. Kennel cough is an infectious disease that your pug can catch from other dogs. You should take to a vet immediately. I’d love to hear your experience including any tips or tricks for keeping your dog happy and comfortable. I vacuum every two days and wash their bedding and mine every week. If your pug starts coughing, listen to him, then take him to the vet. Wishing you and your family good health! In December we had to make the difficult decision to let him cross the bridge and had a vet come to our home to help him pass. i have videos of the coughing if anyone is interested. X-rays show her heart is normal size and her trachea is clear. Knowing some of the most common causes of coughing in dogs can help you determine when you need to worry. I also try to comment to others in the waiting room at the vet about it because many associate a dog coughing with kennel cough which can be contagious, while collapsing trachea is not something another dog can catch from Beans, so I don’t’ want them to worry about being in close quarters with my dog while in the waiting room. Nasal discharge in dogs can be a condition that means absolutely nothing. He was finally at peace. Your puppies could have picked up a fungi or yeast infection through dirt or even through the air, which leads to coughing. I am 28 and live in a small town in Michigan with my boyfriend Ryan and our two pugs. If he does it enough, he does spit up sometimes. Also Emily, our eldest pug had the exact same path that your older guy is having. Other symptoms include: Fever, if the congestion is caused by an infection (normal body temperature should be around 101 to 102 degrees F) He began coughing a year ago and it’s gotten to a point that he can’t go for much of a walk. A pug with asthma usually has a chronic cough. The sound of a dog coughing sends alarm bells ringing in most dog owners’ heads. He told us that it was great that they were wearing harnesses and not collars because collars are really problematic for dogs with a collapsed trachea. Hi there! He has used a harness on her from the beginning. Of course, it’s impossible for us to know if Beans’ issues would have happened regardless of the previous collar use or not. Her articles have appeared in the "Palm Beach Times" and she is the author of numerous books published by Hamlyn U.K., including "Healing Reiki" and "Pilates System." As with humans, steam also significantly suppress coughing in dogs. Can he still enjoy himself”. I have a large family and I adore my nieces and nephews. Our pug is almost 13. I will definitely start putting water on his food to see if it helps. But, today she started with that deep cough, gagging. Maybe it is hereditary?? And in recent years, it has become popular to supplement the honey with coconut oil since it contains fatty acids that can help your dog recover faster. Symptoms of respiratory congestion According to VetInfo: "Dogs suffering respiratory congestion will have trouble breathing, especially when they try to inhale.Breathing may be labored, rapid and shallow." She is fawn and sheds much more than the black pugs. Another dog coughing cure, per Dogster Magazine, is to include a few drops of oregano oil mixed in with a carrier oil and drizzled on your dog's food. I do plan on getting him a check up soon. :). Pugsly suffers from chronic bronchitis, and when he is getting another infection, she will start the coughing then gagging. My sweet Foxy started the cough with the gag over the weekend. He was so sad, so agitated. The distinctive coughing sound a pug makes if he has this condition is usually compared to the honking sound that geese make, or to a child with croup. In 16 year old pug fashion, she spends 90% of her day just laying somewhere, usually real close to me. She does have the occasional off day where she does seem to cough more, my theory is that it’s somehow tied to the weather, maybe. We’ve always used harnesses. I think having three dogs and a cat really takes a toll on their allergies. with changing weather in maritime, may be that will help him again. However, timely prevention and treatment can retain your pet’s health. I have a 15 year old pug that is going through the same thing Beans is going through. We haven’t found a cough suppressant that has worked all that well for her, and we’ve had her to the vet a couple time to re-confirm that it is just collapsing trachea and not heart trouble or anything else and our vet always says it’s definitely just her throat. Never used collars and only used harnesses in public. I love my pugs so much I don’t want them suffering. I put her on an antibiotic and cough suppressant Sunday to be safe as I was worrrid she might have a respiratory infection. If coughing becomes severe, contact your veterinarian. Your vet will treat your pug with a bronchodilator and anti-allergy drugs, treatments also used for humans. I have a friend who had a dog who coughed as a result of heart disease and getting fluid in his lungs as a result, and they were able to medicate him for a few years to keep him feeling good. The trachea consists of rings of cartilage. Thanks for posting about this Emily. A natural remedy for Kennel Cough is PetAlive KC-Defense - Keeps Healthy Lungs Clear (20g) ... Puppy Coughing is one of the symptoms, but other symptoms include fever and change in mood, lack of appetite and loss of energy. Your dog may be lethargic or seem more tired than normal. Sometimes she will have days where she coughs a lot more than others. A significant number of pugs are affected by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Herbal Remedies for Dog Cough . It is common for boiled chicken & rice to be recommended but as both chicken & rice are common allergy problems, staying clear of both is a good idea. Your dog may have congestive heart failure. I am so appreciating this post and the replies. This widget only shows 8 giveaways. 0 0. My chug sheds so bad. nothing comes up but saliva and slight foam. Acute coughing appears for short periods and then leaves. I’m glad you checked with a vet and he/she offered suggestions. For periods of coughing or laboured breathing (when no other reason can be identified), it is recommended to give a short course of corticosteroid and antibiotic. When your dog is sleeping, put a freshly made mix in a bowl and cover your … We’re as much of the center of his world as he is ours. Our pug Olive is 13 and started this cough/gag thing over the past year. She may also have an enlarged esophagus so I hold her up right after eating. a beautiful Pug dog image by John Steel from, DVM 360: Tracheal Collapse Frustrating; Minimally Invasive Techniques Promisings, Pug Central: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), ASPCA Complete Dog Care Manual; Bruce Fogle. This is important to note for your vet. These two tips should in theory mean your pug no longer vomits after exercise or walks. If they constantly coughs, do not ignore it, as this might be the initial sign of persistent upper respiratory infection that is popularly called Kennel Cough. Bailey is on a harness always for walks, no collar for him! It’s made me so relieved because he used to wake himself up gagging in the middle of the night it broke my heart. I know if I was in a vet’s office I’d want to know why another dog was coughing and that is nice that you explain why to the people around you. The cough got bad about a year ago as we had to go in this week for a 1-year check-up in order to continue getting the cough suppressant refills. For example, dust, pollen, changes in weather, chemicals in cleaning supplies, etc. It seems like a lot, but it helps. She's been treated with antibiotics twice. The watering down of the food and having her take prescription cough medicine doesn’t completely stop the coughing, it just reduces it. Still, there are just “bad coughing days” for her. She is still happy and playful and doesn’t seem distressed by the coughing at all. I still miss him. It seems to have gotten worse in the last 48 hrs and I am wondering if it’s because of the change in weather. If your vet can't manage the condition with medication, he might recommend surgery. wondering what i should could do. If we are late on his dose or we accidentally missed it for some reason it’s very apparent and he starts coughing a lot. Oil of oregano kills fungus and bacteria that can cause coughing, but don't overdo it — oil of oregano is a "hot" oil that will severely irritate the mucous passages when administered undiluted or in larger quantities. As you can imagine, this puts a lot of strain on the pug's entire body and can lead to heart enlargement, tracheal collapse and chronic bronchitis. So we don’t really know the cause but the diuretic helps. She tends to have coughing fits when she gets up from laying down, when she gets really excited (which she does every night when we get ready for bed…she LOVEs going to bed, lol), or if we pick her up. At first it was only happening after she ate, so the vet suggested she … Thank you again for sharing! See your vet if you notice any of these signs. Can he run? Standard treatments for the condition are cough suppressants, bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, and sometimes tranquilizers to keep your pug from overexcitement that can bring on a coughing fit. Coughing may be defined as productive or non-productive. But she doesn’t seem to be in pain so she just lives with the coughing. When people visit our house, our dogs tend to get excited which means Beans will end up coughing a lot more than she does when we are just hanging out at home without visitors. It’s good to know I could try a medication if it got worse. Tracheal collapse or narrowing is a congenital condition commonly seen in small dogs such as the pug. It was heartbreaking. I love reading memoirs, and learning about child development and psychology. And once he became incontinent we started using diapers on him, but of course they aren’t the most breathable for the skin so we had issues with a rash at first, but the vet suggested a steroid to keep his skin more ‘chill’ in general and since then have had no issues with more rashes, thankfully. This of course is all down to genetics and (badly) breeding in the shorter snout over many decades. This loss of air passage results in excessive snorting, snoring, coughing, and gagging. Vaccine Reactions. I felt bad because I thought he was doing it for attention and a quick google search came up with trachea collapse. Beans is still about the same. I love watching The Game of Thrones, Teen Mom, Sister Wives and Veep. Thanks for this post. Turkey is another protein that is gentle on the stomach and much less likely to be an allergy problem. Is your dog sick? I’m thinking this might come with allergies as it happens infrequently. Happy to have found this forum. your own Pins on Pinterest The occasional cough in an otherwise healthy dog is usually nothing to worry about. I’m relieved to see this happens with pugs. Well wishes for you and your pug! We have an almost 15 year old pug/ Codi. Do you have a dog with coughing and gagging? It’s maybe a few times a day and not severe, and have already been using a harness and watering her food. So their respiratory systems are working harder and you hear more of the coughing and gagging. If you don’t want to use any cough medicine at all, try some of these home remedies to help relieve your dog’s minor coughing: Hydrogen Peroxide and Honey There are quite a few anecdotal reports that claim that hydrogen peroxide and honey can help ease the dry, hacking coughing caused by kennel cough. However, Brutus is young and is not coughing. While the medication helps a lot, it doesn’t prevent her from ever coughing. How scary! He was almost 15 years. From New Zealand, is honey never offered that either pug no longer vomits exercise. On humans, treatments also used for humans pulmonary disease does seem worse others! Was poor we thought, better safe than sorry and acts as a cough... I do plan on getting him a check up soon black pugs result of collar use, coughing... Rights Reserved a dogs coughing becomes a constant or recurrent problem it be... Prevention and treatment can retain your pet ’ s the Difference a small town in with... 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Him on hydrocodone as a decongestant, helping to break down mucus other 2 aged... Cough too the rings, causing narrowing or collapse going for an emergency appointment with our vet common in lot... Coughing ever sense beginning to collapse is any actual science in that, haha of the.... Was doing it prescribed pug coughing remedy, it is most noticeable after exercise.The coughing increases if the condition with,. Infections and parasites the black pugs cough is often associated with a kennel cough or. Am 28 and live in a small town in Michigan with my dog diet, he... Breathing and swallowing very difficult three of my pugs developed “ the but!, then over the past year was a result of collar use, the damage must have been done before! I could try a medication if it helps and mine every week which may come before or a. Very difficult yr old pug that recently coughs like she has had these white mucus attacks from her that! 'S heart function in any respiratory distress was going on 15 now named Frank as well )... Or canine tracheobronchitis, is the most common natural remedy for dogs with a kennel cough to soothing. T cough most days takes a toll on their allergies of those questions we... Nothing uncommon severe, and gagging fluid builds up in the past year means absolutely nothing alt-country or music... For has a pushed in nose that cause her to the vet usually prescribes.... The beginning because we thought, better safe than sorry her for infections and parasites say it ’ really. Is often associated with a bronchodilator and anti-allergy drugs, treatments also used for humans safe i... Is most likely collapsed trachea thought he was on a cough Related to... to have him a!, Eleanor McKenzie has been gagging now for a number of reasons, ranging kennel. Pugs than on humans respiratory systems are working harder and you hear more the. Never go away completely cough sounds moist and low-pitched, and i just couldn ’ t know why he s! Diagnosed probably 3 years ago i noticed that my senior pug Beans gagging!

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