Hck@kaliHack:~$ service ssh start bash: service: command not found Any idea why the service command wouldnt work? I had read some where over the internet and i forgot. it is showing path.. So if it is not in your PATH, try to add directories to your search path as follows (setup Linux or UNIX search path with following bash export command): close $nf Which package do I need to be able to use startx and .bashrc instead of gdm? To do this on Windows 7 hit the start button and type into the search 'cmd' and hit enter. $ sudo pacman -S bashtop # Arch Linux yum server installing step the createreppo, command not fount &-bash this command not fount what’s the prblm? If it says file not found try changing to the Directory where the file is. 是 runsvdir-start 和 gitlab-ctl 启动文件找不到。 报错分析: 首先 runsvdir-start 和 gitlab-ctl 文件存在与gitlab容器里面,启动时,检查到两个文件丢失,gitlab容器便进入无限重启中。 错误处理: Run API Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Copy link start_erl.src . 4)PWD All your programs are installed in these directories. Sometimes this can be due to some comments with “#”. Erlang sources for all the applications in the Erlang/OTP system. $ sudo chmod +x /path/to/file.sh. However when I start the vncserver and login on my windows machine, I get a grey background and a terminal screen. Please help.. hi Of course I later realized that cding into a directory that I don't have permissions in, won't help very much, so I either need a root shell or need to dzdo ls, dzdo mv, etc. What else may cause this “command not found” error? Examples. $ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 1Mb 10ms DropTail It shows bash: nam:command not found. How to start GUI with startx command (not found) 1. One other ‘command not found’ occurs when trying to use one of your own programs/scripts in a directory that is not in your path: ~/dbapp 513 % db_test-bash: db_test: command not found. Hi everybody, $ /usr/bin/cal I installes the ns-2.35 in fedora 15. i dont have problem in running ns but still i cant run nam. bash: tty: command not found… $chmod 755 program1.sh error :command not found In short, look for the following to fix “bash: bashtop: command not found“: Hi,I have a problem when I run the command under Cygwin. $ which gcc $ns run. I had some issue similar to yours and this helped me :), hi, I have installed ns2 simulator in fedora5.The installation happened perfectly, You can see the current search path with the following echo command/printf command: how should i remove this problem plz tell me. This package is a dummy package which will install all Erlang/OTP applications which do not require X Window System to run. If you start capitalising messages you obscure them - is your text referring to d or d? thread-centric mailer with tagging and fast search. xinit: connection to x server lost. 到这里,我的问题以经解决了,xiaohan的github上的issus没有出现这种情况,因此记一下解决过程。 看到有人在centos上这样解决的,没看懂是什么原因。 There is also a way to make a symbolic link to the start script but I will let Google handle that. time is a shell keyword. when I want to run tcl and write ns simple.tcl it shows -bash: ns: command not found…..kindly solve my problem.waiting for your reply………, sir You can run a program using its full pathname. Similar command is: ‘tty’ Thank you very much! /assets/wrapper: line 115: gitlab-ctl: command not found. For instance, run ls as /bin/ls: Finally, sometimes you may not have permission to run the command. $nam # which arm-gcc try running the dos2unix command on your script to rewrite the script without linefeeds. Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. When i open terminal in ubuntu linx,it showing me::::; desktop:command not found, I have installed successfull the ns2 .Tclscripts can’t be compiled,morover,uptil now(because i have just tried very simple & small programes) “puts” command is not working.It is saying- command not found.I have installed cygwin in g drive.I am opening the prompt from desktop shortkut & entering the directory by- In vi (:set list). i am trying to compile on linux server and i am getting the following error : ./compile[94]: /usr/bin/gcc: not found [No such file or directory]. All Linux and UNIX commands are case sensitive, and you need to type the correct spelling of the command. This is very very easy and useful. Justin, which is in Base and Utils but whereis I can’t find in Cygwin, thx mate, i checked PATH, /bin is there. Now this next bit is a bit hard to explain but you need to navigate to the directory with the srcds.exe (the server application). For instance I can install bashtop using the operating system’s package manager: $ snap install bashtop # snaps (apps) on Linux $ sudo apt install bashtop # Debian Linux $ sudo dnf install bashtop # Fedora Linux /home/zaid/Desktop/ns-allinone-2.32/ns-2.32/testing.tcl: line 7: global: command not found /bin/ls ls -l hey i get this as i open terminal IBM AIX 5.3….. $ printf "%s\n" "$PATH" $ echo "$PATH" gcc is /usr/bin/gcc [root@xxx bin]# su yyy how did i over this problem. This is my first script so If I am not wrong, program1.sh is a command itself to unix after making it executable.So it is searching this file in the $PATH if it is not there then there is a error.”Command not found”. Thank you, Line 6 has an error. # User specific aliases and functions My situation was similar, but the resolution was simple and different. where i can check in the particular folder ..if it is suceesful, i will get value 1..i am not sure..please let me know…. –target=$LFS_TGT also i cannot run tcl file. but by input command :bops test But when I try to run any commands it says "command not found". Is not being entered into SteamCMD. I am using Red hat E 4 and i am working bops simulator. /bin/date @Raghavendra, you need to install GCC on that linux machine. What should i doooo??? Install start_erl.src command on any operating system. i want to check whether the unzip command has worked properly.. i mean to say whether unzip have unzipped all the file or folders correctly in an another folder..based on that i have to send notification….i think there is some option called $? 2014-11-15 #2. muts. –prefix=/tools $ locate cal after compile makefile , bops exe is producted and existed. ‘/run.bash: line 6: Syntax error near unexpected token ‘, All this code was definitely right, that’s our teacher who give to us.. Now we can run the command that was missing: $ns flush-trace Sandeep, Add your home directory to PATH exec nam out.nam & #/bin/ksh 6)ls command should be in the path as per $PATH variable value. Required fields are marked *, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. i am guessing that this is because the first line that specifies the interpreters name will see the extra linefeed. The command I am using is "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" and I have also tried "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart". its showing command not found hi, bash: 3e: command not found. $ export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/usr/local/bin ############################### you could checke for ls command in /bin,/user/bin etc export PATH=$PATH:$HADOOP_HOME/bin. I have installed ns2 and cygwin in windows 7. it works. $ns namtrace-all $nf, proc finish {} { It wasn’t related to the code at all. For instance I can install bashtop using the operating system’s package manager: 1. sudo: command not found. /home/zaid/Desktop/ns-allinone-2.32/ns-2.32/testing.tcl: line 4: namtrace-all: command not found ./simulate it works. zaid@ymax-hw-0006:~/Desktop/ns-allinone-2.32/ns-2.32$ Cannot connect to existing nam instance. now when i assemble in terminal ,it produces the .o file but when i write the command for linking, ld -o str str.o , it says bash: ld: command not found… what’s wrong? when i used the echo command Hello, I have a tomcat installation and a bunch of start/stop scripts in the bin directory as there should be. please help me if i need to set any variables. Learn More{{/message}}, Next FAQ: Environment variable changing on Linux/FreeBSD. bash: puts: command not found So what’s the problem? So removing those can help too. So be sure to include the following in package.json (see an example)"scripts": { "start… My tool chain is in bash: yarn: command not found. Later turned off maintenance mode and tried starting HDFS. Hence run it as follows: And I don´t know what i have to do for fix it, hi Typically we use sudo or su. Hot Network Questions What are the challenges in finding Earth-like planets via the radial velocity method? Cheer, what can i do to take back my root right please? Using dzdo cd returning "command not found". it shows installation problem,cannot exec ‘cc’plus’:No such file or directory, but when i execute program with command ./hello.exe Pls help me that what i have to do to run this command? Still, you or the sysadmin/vendor didn’t install the Unix command to begin with. Some of Erlang main features are: * Clear declarative syntax and is largely free from side-effects; * Built-in support for real-time, concurrent and distributed programming; * Designed for development of robust and continuously operated programs; * Dynamic code replacement at runtime. error :command not found But after your comment, at … What is the solution? Next up: Fed up of the good old Command Prompt and even PowerShell? Once space and carriage return were fixed the script ran. For me its location is: sudo /path/to/command If the $PATH variable is correct a fully qualified path works, try typing “rehash” at the command prompt to update the systems list of valid commands. command-not-found.com. #!/bin/sh -x #yum install gcc I type We're using default node:8 image. It should be removed once python-faraday doesn't need couchdb anymore. Just thought I’d note that here in case people have the same issue. Thank you very much! 5)add the location of file in the PATH variable Environment variable changing on Linux/FreeBSD. export PATH=$PATH:/home/you. another reason scripts can fail is because the line ending is DOS instead of UNIX. $ ls -l /bin/ls $export PATH=$PATH:/home/mint : command not found" twice. What happens is you get DOS cr/lfs (^M) in the file and these create all sorts of havoc in the bash command stream. xxx:yyy 1> ./productionScript.sh If you are using CentOS/RHEL/Fedora you follw this command plz help me. Here is the solution: Then, invoke it using a full path name or add it to your PATH variable in your shell startup file. – Wildcard Nov 27 '15 at 0:31 command not found. /usr/bin/cal cd //SASDATA/cz/cp151/Macros thanks. After looking at the initial things I was like “Doh!” and I checked the Notepad++ -> Edit Menu -> EOL Converstion settings and of course it was set to Windows and not UNIX. Add the path as follows: Save and close the file. the man command is not working type and hit enter it should work. Sample outputs: Or you can add the path to your PATH variable in your shell start-up file $HOME/.cshrc (csh/tcsh) or $HOME/.bashrc (bash) file, then “source” the file: To start the mysqld server from the command line, you should start a console window (or “ DOS window ”) and enter this command: . Related Content Related Documents Related SAP Notes/KBAs. Can you just copy and paste your source code here. [root@test usr]# /usr/bin/which export the contents from outside that dir. Here are … Any guys can help me? hdfs-client-install.txtI have installed sandbox, initially HDFS was on maintenance mode and it was stopped. i dont get vi editor screen.whan i type “vi file name” i get the answer as command not found.i will be in /bin/bash. 2)Stored at location /home/mint ./productionScript.sh: Command not found. udev is a daemon which dynamically creates and removes device nodes from /dev/, handles hotplug events and loads drivers at boot time. $ set a “5” Re: -bash: Id: Command Not Found. Put in. Make sure you have executable permission: but I faced one problem. HELP, zaid@ymax-hw-0006:~/Desktop/ns-allinone-2.32/ns-2.32$ testing.tcl sas a.sas, However, I could not execute it.I get following message: Wasnt successful in starting HDFS. Am attaching the screenshots and log file Check for control characters or extra spaces at the end of a continues line. The MySQL server can be started manually from the command line. Finally, you can use the following find command to search for cal command get a hit about its location. They are useful for educational purpose and as a base for creating embedded systems. sounds like you need to install at least xterm, and should probably install an windows manager as well. Make sure the shell PATH variable correctly set and verify your PATH environment variable. Hence, the last option is to install a missing package. $ cal Ex : sh test.sh How do I become superuser on Ubuntu Linux using su/sudo? $ which ls Starting a new one…, nam: Unable to open the file “out.nam.nam”, Help me However,it shows: /usr/bin/cal): Re: -bash: startx: command not found. hi, I have installed ns2 simulator in fedora5.The installation happened perfectly, –disable-nls You can also find out of the path using which command or whereis command or type command/command as follows: $ bashtop 3)make it executable Let’s assume the program you want to execute is called “cal,” and you get a “Command not found” error message from Unix or Linux system. Verify that the file you want to execute or run exists on the Unix or Linux box. Apparently this problem stems from NPM not being able to find the files needed to perform this operation. Now I want to compile my code with arm gcc compiler but it through error by saying that Linux / UNIX find out what other users are doing? SAP KBA 1925379: "FAIL: sapstart not found" , unable to start instance $ stat /bin/ls What irritates me, is that I am trying to configure Arch to start X without a login manager like GDM (it is too heavy). Also HDFS command is showing as command not found. #################################, Your email address will not be published. but when i start opening ns,I am geeting error as command not found I just found this thread through Google. when ı command this : This package is the version 17 to fix couchdb in Kali-rolling. The older version such as 2.1 does appear and works fine. my Linux Fedora 6 was hacked by some one who change the rights of root and give himself all right this can happen if you used any windows-based line editing app… even vi on unix will continue in DOS mode if it finds a linefeed anywhere in the file, so just editing with vi is not enough to convert the file. /usr/bin/gcc bash : ls: command not found in linux to chnge the directories or to opening the vi editor. exit 0 }, set n1 [$ns node] $ which cal Does anything changed between 10AM and 12PM - last success build on the same pipelines config was at 10:20AM Outputs indicating my custom script called ~/bin/tochel has executable permission for user, group, and others: We can display file information and status easily by using the stat command: I checked with “which”, and the arm_v5t_le-gcc is there. $ cd cygwin i have installed ns2 suhan it gives errorcessfully but when i run a programme Terminal returns not found for most commands Mac OSX (6 answers) Closed 5 years ago . They are useful for educational purpose and as a base for creating embedded systems. bash: bashtop: command not found. This happens under Cygwin. when I am doing When I go to finish with the command that I thought would start the gui it says "command not found". /bin/bash: smbd: command not found please help me if i need to set any variables. every time I start my terminal, it always says "-bash: . $ns at 5.0 “finish” bash: grep: command not found…, Gcc not found error is accure ….what i do for Debian system, i have below script for History & sos backup. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. Open Source Erlang is a functional programming language designed at the Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory. $ source ~/.bashrc I had terrible bugs because I named a variable PATH, hey there I am using backtrack4 in windows 7 my graphics card is atı hd 5650 It seems I get better error messages as root. The Erlang distribution also includes OTP (Open Telecom Platform) which provides a rich set of libraries and applications. View Profile View Forum Posts Visit Homepage Senior Member Join Date 2013-Feb Posts 225. $nam image: node:8 pipelines: default:-step: caches:-node script:-yarn install-yarn run flow-yarn run build-yarn run test --coverage --no-cache. # /home/raj/el/arm/bin/, Now i added this path using export and path variable as follow : In other words, bashtop may not be installed, and we need to install the same. bash:proc -command not found. No such file or directory but when i am using If it does, start opens Explorer.exe on that path. hi frnds, i m getting error as bash : command not found while compilation c programming can you tel me how to get rid of it. # Author : My script 55 xterm all command not found. but still i get this error. Node.js projects on Glitch that need a server require a package.json file with a start command in the scripts field to run.. $ vi $HOME/.bashrc Sample outputs: Usually, all user commands are in /bin and /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin directories. Your email address will not be published. I GET ALLWAYS SAME ERROR and for which startx i get: /usr/bin/startx. $ sudo dnf install bashtop # Fedora Linux $ chmod +x /path/to/filename When you type the clear command, you are running /usr/bin/clear. /home/zaid/Desktop/ns-allinone-2.32/ns-2.32/testing.tcl: line 6: proc: command not found $ns /home/zaid/Desktop/ns-allinone-2.32/ns-2.32/testing.tcl: line 9: close: command not found Trouble getting Tomcat to start up during install. 30 Cool Open Source Software I Discovered in 2013, 30 Handy Bash Shell Aliases For Linux / Unix / Mac OS X, Top 32 Nmap Command Examples For Linux Sys/Network Admins, 25 PHP Security Best Practices For Linux Sys Admins, 30 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know, Linux: 25 Iptables Netfilter Firewall Examples For New SysAdmins, Top 20 OpenSSH Server Best Security Practices, Top 25 Nginx Web Server Best Security Practices. wt 2 to 4 that one? You find yourself using two editors, one in Window$ and one in LInux. } ./test_script.sh $ns Another faster option is to use the locate command: riccky_87 Posts: 5 Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:44 am. I have created a simple script in a file and stored at location (/home/mint).I have changed the file permission to 755 to make it executable.However when i type file name on terminal it shows me that “Command not found”. Ensure the software package is installed for missing command, and you have permission to run the command. $ bashtop. udev /dev/ and hotplug management daemon. When i type simulate on cmd prompt, it says 2014-11-18 #3. bash: /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/aws/bin:/bin:/home/radha/apache-hive-2.0.0-bin/bin:/home/radha/hadoop-2.6.0/bin:/opt/aws/bin:/home/radha/hadoop-2.6.0/bin:/home/radha/apache-hive-2.0.0-bin/bin:/home/radha/hadoop-2.6.0/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/aws/bin:/home/radha/hadoop-2.6.0/bin:/home/radha/apache-hive-2.0.0-bin/bin:/home/radha/jdk1.8.0_77/bin:/home/radha/hadoop-2.6.0/bin:/opt/aws/bin:/home/radha/hadoop-2.6.0/bin:/home/radha/apache-hive-2.0.0-bin/bin:/home/radha/jdk1.8.0_77/bin:/home/radha/hadoop-2.6.0/bin: No such file or directory, I have added the below entries in bashrc file: [root@xxx bin]# ./productionScript.sh global ns nf I can help , I have installed Fedora 21 from Friday and I could not log in, and try to start again and show me the login screen , and does not show me any errors, income and command line appears: -bash: id: command not found macOS Unix desktop or Linux desktop file manager also displays file permission. This means a 'service splunk start' will not work. But when I type "startx" in tty1 is says "command not found". Here is an example when I type bashtop: by command gcc hello.cc -o hello -bash: ./productionScript.sh: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory And system will say: In other words, bashtop may not be installed, and we need to install the same. $ ls -l ~/bin/toc Offline #5 2011-03-19 05:29:11. cardoor Member Registered: 2011-03-18 Posts: 2. I checked with “locate”, and the arm_v5t_le-gcc is there. Similar command is: ‘lz’ Can you please give information on this ? and i dnt know how to fix Last edited by Troels (2009-03-03 21:18:24) why these are command not found in the binutils-build? while using proc command in cygwin its displaying sudo -u userName command2 I dnt understand why is this error. Some commands need privileged access. Some commands need to run as the superuser (root user). I am not able to cross-compile my code for arm target. /home/zaid/Desktop/ns-allinone-2.32/ns-2.32/testing.tcl: line 8: flush-trace: command not found I’d like to chnage it to something else but am not able to locate it anywhere… have found it in other distros like ubuntu/debian – they have it in /etc/bash.bashrc and they even have such package by name command-not-found… and I was able to replace it with desired content… so, is there a way to perform the same on centos? 7)$program1.sh the command ‘setup’ is not working, it says command not found although there is a man page for that command…can u help me how to make it work or is there any alternate command for the above?? export HADOOP_HOME=$HOME/hadoop-2.6.0 gcc is /bin/gcc I tried to execute simple program through script.below is the script: I was on my Windows 7 machine connecting to my UNIX server through Notepad++ using the FTP plugin. This is a temporay package. Hi configure command is not there in my bin folder. When you first install splunk, it doesnt install it as a system server. The first time you start Splunk, you need to run the command: ./run.bash Top. I was getting the same error mentioned here – export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/jdk1.8.0_77 i installed nasm . You think your command is installed on Linux or Unix/macOS desktop. regards If a typed Unix command is not in PATH and anywhere on the system means the command or app is not installed at all. $ type -a time I ran into a “make: arm_v5t_le-gcc: command not found” with “make” facility while I was doing compile a program. Hi airodump-ng -w captura -c 11 — bssid 00:3e:d7:65:e2:87 wlan0 it gives error i set the environment path too. I ran this compiling with arm_v5t_le-gcc full path, I got the same error. Fix “sudo command not found” Install a Specific Version with apt-get on Ubuntu/Debian Fix Ubuntu/Debian apt-get “KEYEXPIRED: The following signatures were invalid” How to Test a Cron Job How to Unzip Into a Folder cd /home/user; \ $ (there is a space between \ and $) 1) Windows (if Tomcat is setup as Windows Service) To Start server: /bin>Tomcat8.exe start; To Stop server: /bin>Tomcat8.exe stop; 2) Windows (if you have downloaded binaries as .zip) To Start server: /bin>catalina.bat start cd /home/user; \^M (Wrong type of carriage return) puts: usr/share/man/man3/puts.3.gz, I want to know the path for command “export”, command “set” set nf [open out.nam w] /home/mint Start-all.sh command not found on quick start vm 5.13 As well as start-dfs.sh start-yarn.sh also not there Any idea/solutions it gives comand not found error. $ type -a gcc When I navigate to the bin directory and try to run the startup.sh command, I just get command not found: $ startup.sh startup.sh: command not found Ns but still i cant run nam & -bash this command not found why these are not! Start up during install system means the command i am using Red hat E 4 and forgot! ( 6 answers ) Closed 5 years ago Platform ) which provides a rich of... Shows the different directories that your shell will see in order to find commands that... ) $ program1.sh type and hit enter it should work to fix command... 'Re on Windows ) 's being entered into plain old CMD ( if 're! In ~./vnc/ there seems to be able to cross-compile my code for arm target us know in the system. The software package is a daemon which dynamically creates and removes device nodes from /dev/, handles hotplug and! Extra spaces at the Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory to use arm tool chain to compile my code message! Hit the start button and type into the search 'cmd ' and hit enter command not found start there you the. Or Unix/macOS desktop with “ # ” problem plz tell me why ` which cd ` command ’. Fix the command with ‘./ ’ ~/dbapp 514 %./db_test Success Id command. 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